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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Volunteer efforts prevent water shortages for Dulkhi farmers

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Community Collaboration Transforms Agriculture in Dulkhi Village

Every alternate year, farmers in Dulkhi village in Jhargram District, West Bengal face the loss of their crops due to various weather challenges. With small-scale farming being their main livelihood, the villagers struggle to secure their daily food needs. The decline in cereal cultivation is attributed to inadequate irrigation and erosion of terrace tracks.

U3 Program Intervenes

To address these challenges, the U3 program on Climate Adaptive Agriculture and Food Sovereignty facilitated a Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) exercise. During the PRA, the community identified an old water channel that had the potential for irrigation. A decision was made to form an action group to restore and channel this water, with fourteen villagers volunteering to work on the project.

Community-led Efforts Yield Results

With the support of the U3 program, the volunteers, including men, women, and youth, worked tirelessly to rejuvenate the water channel. The restored water source enabled the cultivation of paddy on five acres of land, significantly boosting local food security. The community also pledged to abandon chemical fertilizers and pesticides, opting for organic methods instead.

Celebrating Success and Unity

For the first time, the village held a communal harvest ceremony, celebrating the milestone of unity and shared prosperity. The initiative not only secured the villagers’ livelihoods but also ensured a stable food supply for their families. The success of the project highlights the power of community collaboration and resilience in the face of environmental challenges.

Impact of the U3 Program

Caritas India’s U3 program focuses on empowering communities, improving dialogue, mobilizing resources, and engaging volunteers. By integrating these pillars, the program has laid a foundation for sustainable change in Dulkhi village. The emphasis on climate-resilient agriculture and community-driven initiatives has led to significant improvements in the residents’ livelihoods.

Building Stronger, Self-Sustaining Communities

The spirit of volunteerism cultivated within the community has empowered individuals to take ownership of their development. This model of self-sustenance can be replicated in other regions, creating stronger and more resilient communities. Through the U3 program, Caritas India is not only promoting climate-resilient agriculture but also fostering unity and self-sustainability.


Q: What is the main livelihood of farmers in Dulkhi village?

A: Small-scale farming

Q: How did the community address the challenges faced by farmers?

A: By restoring an old water channel for irrigation

Q: What was the outcome of the community-led efforts?

A: Significant boost in local food security


Dulkhi’s story serves as a shining example of the transformative power of community collaboration and the positive impact it can have on agriculture and livelihoods. With the continued support of programs like U3, villages like Dulkhi are moving towards a more sustainable and resilient future.

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