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Harnessing Data for Good: The Impact of Quantitative Analysis in the Social Sector

Data has become a powerful tool in driving positive change in the social sector. With the rise of big data and advancements in technology, organizations are now able to leverage quantitative analysis to better understand complex social issues, make informed decisions, and measure the impact of their interventions. This article explores how harnessing data for good is transforming the social sector and driving meaningful outcomes.

The Power of Quantitative Analysis

Quantitative analysis involves the use of mathematical and statistical methods to analyze data and draw meaningful insights. In the social sector, this approach allows organizations to measure the effectiveness of their programs, identify trends and patterns, and make evidence-based decisions. By collecting and analyzing data, organizations can better understand the needs of their target populations and tailor their interventions accordingly.

For example, a nonprofit working to combat homelessness can use quantitative analysis to track key metrics such as the number of individuals served, the percentage of clients who find stable housing, and the cost-effectiveness of their programs. By analyzing this data, the organization can identify areas for improvement, allocate resources more effectively, and demonstrate the impact of their work to funders and stakeholders.

Data-driven Decision Making

Quantitative analysis also enables organizations to make data-driven decisions that are grounded in evidence rather than intuition. By analyzing data on social issues such as poverty, education, and healthcare, organizations can identify the most effective strategies for addressing these challenges and allocate resources where they are needed most. This approach helps organizations maximize their impact and ensure that their interventions are based on proven practices rather than guesswork.

Measuring Impact

One of the key benefits of quantitative analysis in the social sector is its ability to measure impact. By collecting data on key performance indicators and outcomes, organizations can track the progress of their programs and evaluate their effectiveness. This not only helps organizations assess their impact and make course corrections as needed but also provides valuable insights for future program design and implementation.


Harnessing data for good is transforming the social sector by enabling organizations to make informed decisions, measure impact, and drive positive change. By leveraging quantitative analysis, organizations can better understand the needs of their target populations, identify effective strategies for addressing social issues, and demonstrate the impact of their work to stakeholders. As data continues to play a crucial role in shaping the social sector, organizations must prioritize data-driven decision-making and invest in the tools and resources needed to collect, analyze, and utilize data effectively.


What is quantitative analysis?

Quantitative analysis involves the use of mathematical and statistical methods to analyze data and draw meaningful insights. In the social sector, this approach allows organizations to measure the effectiveness of their programs, identify trends and patterns, and make evidence-based decisions.

How can organizations benefit from quantitative analysis?

By harnessing data for good, organizations can make informed decisions, measure impact, and drive positive change in the social sector. Quantitative analysis enables organizations to better understand the needs of their target populations, identify effective strategies for addressing social issues, and demonstrate the impact of their work to stakeholders.

Why is data-driven decision-making important in the social sector?

Data-driven decision-making is crucial in the social sector because it helps organizations maximize their impact, allocate resources effectively, and ensure that their interventions are based on proven practices rather than intuition. By analyzing data on social issues, organizations can identify the most effective strategies for addressing these challenges and make informed decisions that drive positive outcomes.

En Inde, les autorités manquent à l’appel face aux violences impunies dans l’État du Manipur.


En Inde, les autorités manquent à l’appel face aux violences impunies dans l’État du Manipur

Les autorités manquent à l’appel face aux violences impunies dans l’État du Manipur

La police manque à son devoir envers les victimes de violences intercommunautaires. Des journalistes, des militant·e·s et des influenceurs·euses réduits au silence par des attaques et des accusations forgées de toutes pièces.

Les camps humanitaires ont grand besoin de financement

Amnesty International a déclaré que plus de 400 jours après le début des violences ethniques entre la population dominante des Meiteis et la minorité des Kukis et d’autres communautés tribales, le gouvernement indien et le gouvernement de l’État du Manipur n’ont pas réussi à mettre un terme aux violences et aux déplacements de population, ni à protéger les droits humains dans l’État.

Impunité des milices

Lescomités de vigilance comme Arambai Tenggol et Meitei Lippun ont commis des actes de violence sans conséquences, tout en tenant des propos discriminatoires à l’égard des groupes tribaux ethniques.

Manquements de la police

La police du Manipur a été critiquée pour son inefficacité dans le traitement des affaires de violence, entraînant un effondrement de l’ordre public dans l’État. Les membres de communautés tribales ont rencontré des obstacles pour déposer des plaintes officielles.

Attaque contre la dissidence

Les autorités de l’État du Manipur ont réprimé la société civile en montant de fausses affaires contre des activistes et des journalistes. Des personnages éminents ayant critiqué les autorités ont été victimes d’intimidation.

Crise humanitaire

Les camps humanitaires du Manipur ont grandement besoin de financement pour répondre aux besoins des personnes déplacées. L’État n’a pas apporté l’aide nécessaire aux personnes affectées par les violences intercommunautaires.


Q: Quel est le besoin urgent des camps humanitaires du Manipur?

R: Les camps humanitaires ont grand besoin de financement pour répondre aux besoins des personnes déplacées.

Q: Pourquoi la police du Manipur est-elle critiquée?

R: La police du Manipur a été critiquée pour son inefficacité dans le traitement des affaires de violence, entraînant un effondrement de l’ordre public dans l’État.

Q: Comment les autorités ont-elles réagi face à la dissidence?

R: Les autorités de l’État du Manipur ont réprimé la société civile en montant de fausses affaires contre des activistes et des journalistes.


Amnesty International appelle les autorités indiennes à coordonner leurs actions pour répondre efficacement à la situation et protéger les droits des personnes déplacées.

AI and Charitable Organizations: Transforming the Way We Give and Do Good


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing almost every aspect of our lives, including the way we approach philanthropy and charitable giving. Charitable organizations are increasingly turning to AI to streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and reach a larger audience. From fundraising to donor outreach, AI is transforming the way we give and do good.

The Role of AI in Charitable Organizations

AI has the potential to make a significant impact on charitable organizations in a variety of ways. One of the key areas where AI is being utilized is in fundraising. AI-powered algorithms can analyze donor data, predict giving patterns, and personalize fundraising campaigns to target the right audience at the right time. This not only increases the chances of attracting donations but also helps organizations better understand their donors and tailor their messaging accordingly.

Another important role that AI plays in charitable organizations is in donor outreach and engagement. Chatbots powered by AI can interact with donors in real-time, answer their questions, and provide them with personalized information about the organization and its initiatives. This helps build a stronger connection with donors and encourages them to continue supporting the cause.

Benefits of AI for Charitable Organizations

There are several benefits that AI brings to charitable organizations:

  • Increased efficiency: AI can automate manual tasks, freeing up time and resources for organizations to focus on their core mission.
  • Improved decision-making: AI algorithms can analyze data and provide insights that help organizations make more informed decisions.
  • Enhanced donor engagement: AI can personalize communications and interactions with donors, leading to higher levels of engagement and retention.
  • Better fundraising outcomes: AI can help organizations identify and target potential donors more effectively, leading to increased donations and revenue.

Challenges of Implementing AI in Charitable Organizations

While the benefits of AI for charitable organizations are numerous, there are also challenges associated with implementing AI technology. Some of the key challenges include:

  • Cost: Implementing AI technology can be expensive, particularly for smaller organizations with limited resources.
  • Data privacy concerns: AI relies on vast amounts of data, raising concerns about privacy and security among donors.
  • Integration with existing systems: Integrating AI technology with existing systems and processes can be complex and time-consuming.
  • Skills gap: Charitable organizations may lack the technical expertise needed to successfully implement and manage AI solutions.


AI is transforming the way charitable organizations operate, enabling them to reach a larger audience, engage donors more effectively, and increase their impact on the community. While there are challenges associated with implementing AI technology, the benefits far outweigh the costs. As AI continues to evolve, charitable organizations that embrace this technology will be better positioned to achieve their mission and make a lasting difference in the world.


What is AI?

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. AI technologies include machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.

How can AI benefit charitable organizations?

AI can benefit charitable organizations by increasing efficiency, improving decision-making, enhancing donor engagement, and boosting fundraising outcomes. AI technology can help organizations analyze data, personalize communications, and target potential donors more effectively.

What are the challenges of implementing AI in charitable organizations?

Some of the challenges of implementing AI in charitable organizations include cost, data privacy concerns, integration with existing systems, and the skills gap. Organizations may need to invest in AI technology, address data security issues, and ensure proper integration with their current systems and processes.

The Transformational Power of Data Collection in Advancing Social Causes

In today’s digital age, data has become a critical asset in advancing social causes and driving positive change in society. From climate change to poverty alleviation, data collection plays a crucial role in helping organizations and policymakers make informed decisions and develop effective strategies to address pressing social issues.

The Importance of Data Collection

Data collection is essential for understanding the root causes of social problems and identifying potential solutions. By gathering and analyzing data, organizations can gain valuable insights into the needs and preferences of their target populations, as well as track the impact of their interventions over time. This information is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of social programs and ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently.

Moreover, data collection enables organizations to identify trends and patterns that may not be immediately apparent, allowing them to anticipate and respond to emerging challenges more effectively. For example, data on food insecurity rates can help identify communities that are at risk of hunger and target resources to those areas before a crisis occurs.

The Role of Data in Social Advocacy

Data collection also plays a critical role in social advocacy, enabling organizations to build evidence-based arguments and mobilize support for their cause. By collecting data on the impact of social policies and programs, advocates can demonstrate the need for change and hold policymakers accountable for their decisions.

For example, data on the gender pay gap can help advocacy organizations make a compelling case for equal pay legislation and push for policy reforms that address systemic inequalities. Similarly, data on police brutality can shine a light on the need for criminal justice reform and fuel movements for racial justice and police accountability.

The Power of Big Data

Big data, which refers to the massive volume of structured and unstructured data generated by digital technology, has the potential to revolutionize social cause efforts. By harnessing the power of big data analytics, organizations can uncover hidden patterns and correlations in data sets, leading to deeper insights and more effective decision-making.

For example, the use of predictive analytics can help organizations anticipate trends and identify opportunities for intervention before a crisis occurs. This can be particularly useful in areas such as disaster response and public health, where timely action can save lives and prevent widespread harm.


Data collection is a powerful tool for advancing social causes and driving positive change in society. By collecting and analyzing data, organizations can gain valuable insights into the needs of their target populations, track the impact of their interventions, and build evidence-based arguments for policy reform. With the rise of big data analytics, the potential for data to transform social cause efforts is greater than ever before. As we continue to harness the power of data, we can create a more just and equitable world for all.


Why is data collection important for advancing social causes?

Data collection is important for advancing social causes because it allows organizations to gain insights into the needs of their target populations, track the impact of their interventions, and build evidence-based arguments for policy reform.

How can organizations use data to drive positive change in society?

Organizations can use data to drive positive change in society by collecting and analyzing data to identify trends and patterns, anticipate challenges, and develop effective strategies for addressing social issues.

What is the role of big data in advancing social causes?

Big data has the potential to revolutionize social cause efforts by enabling organizations to uncover hidden patterns and correlations in data sets, leading to deeper insights and more effective decision-making.

MSF Applauds Indian Patent Office’s Rejection of J&J’s Application for TB Drug for Children


MSF Applauds Indian Patent Office’s Rejection of J&J’s Application for TB Drug for Children

Reactions to the Opposition

Ganesh Acharya, TB survivor/TB-HIV activist, India, expressed his support for the rejection of J&J’s patent application, highlighting the need for the Indian TB program to follow suit and provide access to new TB drugs like bedaquiline for children. Dr Aparna Iyer, Project Medical Referent, MSF Mumbai drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) project, emphasized the importance of ensuring effective TB treatment reaches all children, in line with WHO recommendations.

Background and Previous Challenges

Concerns over evergreening practices, where patent monopolies are extended through various forms and modifications of essential medicines, have led to previous successful patent challenges against J&J in India. In 2023, a similar challenge resulted in the rejection of J&J’s attempt to patent the salt form of bedaquiline, prompting actions from national TB treatment programs and the South African Competition Commission to address J&J’s patenting practices.

Last year’s rejection of J&J’s patent application for the paediatric formulation of bedaquiline marks another victory in the fight for affordable access to essential TB drugs for children in India and globally. The pressure from TB activists, civil society, and countries prioritizing public health over corporate interests has led to positive outcomes, including reduced prices and increased availability of generic alternatives.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How was the rejection of J&J’s patent application for the paediatric formulation of bedaquiline received?
  • What were the concerns regarding J&J’s patenting practices in India?
  • What positive outcomes have been achieved due to the pressure from TB activists and civil society?


The rejection of J&J’s patent application for the paediatric formulation of bedaquiline by the Indian Patent Office is a significant step towards ensuring increased affordable access to essential TB drugs for children. It is imperative for governments and organizations to continue advocating for public health over corporate interests to guarantee effective TB treatments reach all individuals in need.

Revolutionizing Social Impact: The Rise of Technology in Non-Profit Organizations


In recent years, non-profit organizations have been increasingly turning to technology to enhance their impact and reach a wider audience. This trend is revolutionizing the way non-profits operate and engage with donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries. With the help of technology, non-profits are able to streamline their operations, increase efficiency, and ultimately make a greater impact on the causes they support.

The Role of Technology in Non-Profit Organizations

Technology is playing a key role in revolutionizing social impact within non-profit organizations in several ways:

  • Online Fundraising: Non-profits are leveraging online platforms and social media to raise funds and reach a larger donor base. With the click of a button, individuals can donate to causes they care about, making it easier for non-profits to secure funding for their programs and initiatives.
  • Data Analysis: Non-profits are utilizing data analytics to better understand their donors and beneficiaries, allowing them to tailor their programs and messages for maximum impact. By analyzing data, non-profits can make more informed decisions and track the effectiveness of their efforts.
  • Volunteer Management: Technology is helping non-profits better manage their volunteers by connecting them with opportunities that match their skills and interests. Online platforms make it easier for volunteers to sign up for projects, track their hours, and communicate with staff members.
  • Program Delivery: Non-profits are using technology to deliver their programs and services more efficiently. Virtual platforms and mobile apps allow organizations to reach beneficiaries in remote locations or provide services without the need for in-person interactions.

The Benefits of Technology in Non-Profit Organizations

The rise of technology in non-profit organizations has several benefits:

  • Increased Reach: Technology allows non-profits to reach a wider audience, engage with donors and volunteers from around the world, and raise awareness for their causes on a global scale.
  • Improved Efficiency: By automating processes and streamlining operations, non-profits can save time and resources, allowing them to focus more on their mission and programs.
  • Enhanced Transparency: Technology enables non-profits to be more transparent with their stakeholders by providing real-time updates on their activities, impact metrics, and financials.
  • Better Communication: Technology facilitates communication between non-profits, donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and engaged in the organization’s work.


Technology is revolutionizing the way non-profit organizations operate and engage with their stakeholders. By leveraging online platforms, data analytics, and virtual tools, non-profits are able to increase their reach, efficiency, and impact on the causes they support. As technology continues to evolve, non-profits have the opportunity to further innovate and transform the social sector for the better.


How can non-profits benefit from online fundraising?

Online fundraising allows non-profits to reach a larger donor base, receive donations quickly and easily, and track their fundraising efforts more effectively. It also provides an opportunity for non-profits to engage with donors on a more personal level and build long-lasting relationships with them.

How can technology improve volunteer management for non-profits?

Technology can help non-profits better match volunteers with opportunities that align with their skills and interests, track volunteer hours and activities, and communicate more efficiently with volunteers. This can lead to increased volunteer satisfaction, retention, and overall impact on the organization’s programs.

What are some examples of technology being used in program delivery for non-profits?

Examples of technology being used in program delivery for non-profits include virtual platforms for conducting remote workshops or training sessions, mobile apps for delivering educational content to beneficiaries, and online portals for connecting with clients and providing support services. These tools help non-profits reach more people, deliver services more effectively, and adapt to changing needs and circumstances.

The Science of Change: How Performance Measurement Guides Social Impact Strategies

In today’s rapidly changing world, organizations are increasingly focused on making a positive impact in society. Whether it’s through philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, or social entrepreneurship, businesses and non-profits alike are seeking to create change and improve the lives of individuals and communities. But how do these organizations know if they are actually making a difference?

This is where the science of change comes in. By measuring performance and tracking key metrics, organizations can assess their impact, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about their social impact strategies. Performance measurement is a critical tool that guides organizations in understanding the effectiveness of their programs and initiatives, and ultimately, in achieving their social impact goals.

Why Performance Measurement Matters

Performance measurement is essential for organizations that are committed to creating meaningful change. By collecting and analyzing data on key performance indicators, organizations can track their progress, evaluate their impact, and adapt their strategies accordingly. Without performance measurement, organizations are essentially operating in the dark, unable to gauge the effectiveness of their efforts or determine what is working and what isn’t.

Performance measurement provides organizations with valuable insights that can help them make data-driven decisions, allocate resources more effectively, and demonstrate accountability to stakeholders. It enables organizations to measure the effectiveness of their programs, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately, maximize their social impact.

The Role of Performance Measurement in Social Impact Strategies

Performance measurement plays a crucial role in guiding social impact strategies. By establishing clear goals and objectives, organizations can determine the indicators that will measure the success of their initiatives. These indicators can range from outputs (such as the number of individuals served) to outcomes (such as improvements in health or education outcomes).

Performance measurement also enables organizations to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of their programs. By tracking key metrics and analyzing data, organizations can identify what is working well and what needs improvement. This information allows organizations to make informed decisions about resource allocation, program design, and strategic direction.


Performance measurement is a critical component of social impact strategies. By tracking key metrics and analyzing data, organizations can assess their impact, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about their programs and initiatives. Performance measurement provides valuable insights that help organizations maximize their social impact and create meaningful change in society.


Q: What is performance measurement?

A: Performance measurement is the process of collecting and analyzing data on key indicators to track progress, evaluate impact, and make informed decisions.

Q: Why is performance measurement important in social impact strategies?

A: Performance measurement is important in social impact strategies because it helps organizations assess their impact, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions about their programs and initiatives.

Q: How can organizations use performance measurement to maximize their social impact?

A: Organizations can use performance measurement to track key metrics, analyze data, and make informed decisions about resource allocation, program design, and strategic direction. By doing so, organizations can maximize their social impact and create meaningful change in society.

Government Deploys Drone to Deliver Vital Supplies to Disaster-Affected Communities


Government Deploys Drone to Deliver Vital Supplies to Disaster-Affected Communities

State-of-the-Art Drone for Disaster Relief

The state-of-the-art drone, capable of carrying up to 20 kgs of supplies and traveling over 12 miles from its launch site, has been handed over to the State’s Disaster Management Authority. This initiative is part of Save the Children’s broader efforts to support communities affected by disasters and the impact of extreme weather events exacerbated by the climate crisis.

Efficient Response in the Monsoon Season

With India experiencing erratic and extreme weather patterns, including above-average rainfall in Himachal Pradesh during the monsoon season, the drone delivery system comes at a crucial time. The drone can reach isolated and cut-off communities, especially in high mountainous areas that are difficult to access following disasters due to blocked roads.

Impact on Disaster Response and Healthcare

Save the Children’s CEO in India, Sudarshan Suchi, highlighted the importance of using drones to deliver medical supplies in the aftermath of disasters. The initiative helps ensure timely medical assistance to even the most isolated communities, potentially saving lives during emergencies. In addition to drone delivery, Save the Children has supported the renovation of health facilities and conducted awareness campaigns on disaster preparedness.


What is the purpose of deploying drones for disaster relief in Himachal Pradesh?

The purpose is to deliver food, water, and medical supplies to hard-to-reach communities more quickly and effectively, especially in areas still recovering from previous disasters.

How much weight can the drone deployed by Save the Children carry?

The drone is capable of carrying up to 20 kgs of supplies and can travel over 12 miles from its launch site.


Save the Children’s initiative to deploy a drone for disaster response in Himachal Pradesh showcases innovative solutions to address challenges faced by disaster-affected communities. The use of cutting-edge technology like drones not only improves the efficiency of relief efforts but also ensures timely delivery of vital supplies to remote areas, ultimately contributing to saving lives in emergencies.

Urgent Appeal: Sports for Development, Project 2024 Applications Close Soon


Are you passionate about sports and their ability to create a positive impact on society? Do you believe in the power of sports to drive social change? If so, then you’ll want to pay attention to the upcoming deadline for Project 2024, an initiative focused on Sports for Development.

Project 2024 is an exciting opportunity for organizations and individuals to showcase their innovative ideas on how to leverage the power of sports for social change. The initiative is designed to drive progress in the Sports for Development sector by supporting, mentoring, and funding winning initiatives.

If you’re passionate about using sports as a tool for change and want to make an impact in your community or beyond, this is your chance to shine. Don’t wait too long as applications will be closing soon. Take a chance on Project 2024 and join the movement towards a better world through Sports for Development.

“Sports has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, the power to unite people in a way that little else does.” – Nelson Mandela


Are you passionate about sports and their ability to create a positive impact on society? Do you believe in the power of sports to drive social change? If so, then you’ll want to pay attention to the upcoming deadline for Sports for Development Project 2024, an initiative by the UEFA Foundation for Children.

Every year, the UEFA Foundation for Children issues a call for projects to help children by providing support in areas such as health, education, access to sport, personal development, integration of minorities, and protection of children’s rights. The foundation establishes programmes involving football or sport in general, either running its own projects or working in partnership with other entities. The foundation may advise, work with, or support any organization or project that has similar goals or seeks to provide development aid.

“Sports has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, the power to unite people in a way that little else does.” – Nelson Mandela

Project Overview

What is Project 2024?

Project 2024 is an initiative focused on Sports for Development to drive progress in the sector by supporting, mentoring, and funding winning initiatives. The project is open to organizations and individuals who want to showcase their innovative ideas on how to leverage the power of sports for social change.

Who is Eligible?

NGOs from across the world can apply for the initiative. If you’re passionate about using sports as a tool for change and want to make an impact in your community or beyond, this is your chance to shine.

Grant Amount

The grant amount for Sports for Development Project 2024 has not been specified. However, the UEFA Foundation for Children is known for its generous support towards projects that help achieve its objectives of supporting children’s health, education, and development.

Application Deadline

The deadline for applications to Sports for Development Project 2024 is on August 02, 2024. Don’t wait too long to apply, as time is running out!

If you’re interested in applying for Sports for Development Project 2024, you can do so by visiting their website. Take a step towards making a difference in your community and in the world through sports and development!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the UEFA Foundation for Children’s Sports for Development Project 2024?

The Sports for Development Project 2024 is an initiative launched by the UEFA Foundation for Children to support and fund innovative ideas that leverage the power of sports for driving social change.

Who is eligible to apply for the Sports for Development Project 2024?

The project is open to NGOs worldwide who want to initiate positive change in their community or beyond through sports and development.

When is the deadline for the Sports for Development Project 2024 application?

The application deadline for the Sports for Development Project 2024 is on August 02, 2024.

How much funding is available for the winning initiatives of the Sports for Development Project 2024?

The UEFA Foundation for Children has not announced the grant amount for the project, but they are known for providing generous support towards projects aiming to achieve their objectives of supporting children’s health, education, and development.

What kind of initiatives can be proposed for the Sports for Development Project 2024?

The Sports for Development Project 2024 is looking for initiatives that provide support in areas such as health, education, access to sport, personal development, integration of minorities, and protection of children’s rights through football or sports in general.

How can I apply for the Sports for Development Project 2024?

You can apply for the Sports for Development Project 2024 by visiting their website at and filling out the application form.


#sportfordevelopment #UEFAfoundationforchildren #NGOinitiative #positivechange #childrenrights #integratingminorities #personaldevelopment #educationthroughsports #youthdevelopment #communityempowerment

Urgent Appeal: Senior Citizen Welfare Projects Deadline Approaching


Urgent Appeal: Senior Citizen Welfare Projects Deadline Approaching

As we approach the end of the year, it’s crucial to remember our elderly citizens who have contributed so much to society. With the deadline for senior citizen welfare projects fast approaching, it’s imperative that we take action. Many seniors are facing a difficult time due to the ongoing pandemic, and the need for assistance has never been greater. This is where you can make a difference. By supporting senior citizen welfare projects, you’ll be providing much-needed aid to those who need it most. From nursing homes to community centers, your help can ensure that our elderly population has access to the care and resources they need to live a healthy and fulfilling life. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Act now to make a difference in the lives of seniors in your community.

“The way we treat our senior citizens is a reflection of our society’s values.” – Nelson Mandela


As we approach the end of the year, it’s crucial to remember our elderly citizens who have contributed so much to society. With the deadline for senior citizen welfare projects fast approaching, it’s imperative that we take action. Many seniors are facing a difficult time due to the ongoing pandemic, and the need for assistance has never been greater. This is where you can make a difference.

By supporting senior citizen welfare projects, you’ll be providing much-needed aid to those who need it most. From nursing homes to community centers, your help can ensure that our elderly population has access to the care and resources they need to live a healthy and fulfilling life. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Act now to make a difference in the lives of seniors in your community.

“The way we treat our senior citizens is a reflection of our society’s values.” – Nelson Mandela

Senior Citizen Welfare Projects

About Senior Citizen Welfare Projects

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Department of Social Justice and Empowerment (Senior Citizen Division) has invited applications from eligible NGOs/Trusts/Charitable institutions for new projects under the Integrated Programme for Senior Citizens (IPSrC), a subscheme of Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana (AVYAY) in the Gap districts across various States/ Union Territories. These projects include:

  • Senior Citizen Home for 25 beneficiaries (SrCH-25) (all genders)
  • Senior Citizen Home for 50 Beneficiaries (SrCH-50) (all genders)
  • Continuous Care Home for persons afflicted with Alzheimer’s/Dementia (CCH) for 20 beneficiaries (all genders)

The deadline for submitting project proposals for the year 2024-25 is August 15, 2024. Eligible NGOs/Trusts/Charitable institutions must submit their applications on the Ministry’s eanudaan portal (apply here).


NGOs/VOs seeking assistance must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Be registered entities such as societies, public trusts, charitable companies, or recognized institutions
  • Have at least two years of registration and experience in the social sector
  • Maintain a joint bank account for operations

Grant Amount and Beneficiary Details

The Ministry will offer a grant of approximately INR 40 Lakhs for each project. The Senior Citizen Home projects (SrCH-25 and SrCH-50) will provide accommodation, food, medical facilities, and recreational activities to senior citizens. The Continuous Care Home project (CCH) will cater to persons afflicted with Alzheimer’s/Dementia by providing specialized care and treatment.

Importance of Senior Citizen Welfare Projects

The ongoing pandemic has had a severe impact on the elderly population. Many are unable to access healthcare services, community centers, or even basic amenities. Senior Citizen Welfare Projects aim to address these issues by providing a safe and healthy environment for seniors to live in. It is essential to support these projects as they play a vital role in ensuring that our elderly population receives the care and assistance they need.

Make a Difference

If you are passionate about helping the elderly and making a difference in your community, supporting Senior Citizen Welfare Projects is an excellent way to do so. Your contribution can go a long way in providing aid to those who need it most.

“We should not only use the brains we have but all that we can borrow.” – Woodrow Wilson

So, act now and apply for a Senior Citizen Welfare Project on the Ministry’s eanudaan portal (apply here) to help create a positive impact on the lives of seniors in your community. Remember, every small step counts in making a significant change.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Senior Citizen Welfare Projects?

Senior Citizen Welfare Projects are programs aimed at providing assistance to elderly citizens. These programs may include provisions for healthcare, food, and shelter.

Who can apply for Senior Citizen Welfare Projects?

Eligible NGOs/Trusts/Charitable institutions can apply for Senior Citizen Welfare Projects. They must fulfill the criteria specified by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

What are the different types of Senior Citizen Welfare Projects available?

The different types of Senior Citizen Welfare Projects available are Senior Citizen Home for 25 beneficiaries (SrCH-25) (all genders), Senior Citizen Home for 50 Beneficiaries (SrCH-50) (all genders), and Continuous Care Home for persons afflicted with Alzheimer’s/Dementia (CCH) for 20 beneficiaries (all genders).

What is the grant amount for Senior Citizen Welfare Projects?

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment offers a grant of approximately INR 40 Lakhs for each Senior Citizen Welfare Project.

Why is it important to support Senior Citizen Welfare Projects?

Supporting Senior Citizen Welfare Projects is crucial as it ensures that our elderly population receives the care and assistance they need, especially during these trying times of the ongoing pandemic.

How can I apply for a Senior Citizen Welfare Project?

You can apply for a Senior Citizen Welfare Project by visiting the Ministry’s eanudaan portal and submitting the necessary application.


#seniorcitizens #welfare #careforthelderly #socialjustice #empowerment #communityservice #Alzheimerstreatment #dementiacare #grant #NGOs