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Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Impact of the Climate Crisis on Women: Assessing the Toll on Wombs and Livelihoods from Drought, Debt, and Migration

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The Impact of the Climate Crisis on Women

Impact of Climate Change on Vulnerable Communities in Maharashtra, India

As climate change continues to worsen, policymakers must address the increasing loss and damage it is causing to vulnerable communities in developing countries. In Maharashtra, India, rural families are being severely affected, leading to life-altering decisions and migrations to sugarcane fields for work. Unfortunately, these fields are often run by exploitative contractors who impose fines for work absences, creating a cycle of poverty and desperation among the workers.

Exploitative Practices in Sugarcane Fields

Many individuals, particularly women, are forced to work in sugarcane fields due to the scarcity of other opportunities. The fear of losing income drives these workers to extreme measures, such as undergoing hysterectomies to avoid taking breaks during their menstrual cycles. This illustrates the desperate situations these communities face as a result of climate change-induced disruptions to their livelihoods.

Frameworks for Analyzing Loss and Damage

This paper utilizes two frameworks to analyze and quantify the economic and non-economic loss and damage experienced by these vulnerable communities. By examining the multifaceted nature of climate impacts, researchers can gain valuable insights into the true extent of the challenges faced by these populations.


Q: What are some of the impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities in Maharashtra?

A: Vulnerable communities in Maharashtra are facing severe challenges such as exploitative practices in sugarcane fields and drastic measures like hysterectomies to avoid work absences.

Q: How can policymakers help mitigate the impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities?

A: Policymakers can address the root causes of issues faced by vulnerable communities and implement sustainable solutions to create a more resilient future for those affected by environmental disruptions.


Overall, it is clear that urgent action is needed to mitigate the impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities in Maharashtra and other developing regions. By addressing the root causes of these issues and implementing sustainable solutions, policymakers can help create a more resilient future for those most affected by environmental disruptions.

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