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Friday, July 26, 2024

Strengthen Civil Society Organisations: Urgent Call for Partnership with Sida

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If you’re passionate about making a difference and curious about international development, then you may already know about the vital role civil society organizations play in shaping policy and promoting social justice. However, civil society organizations often face a range of challenges, including limited funding, lack of recognition, and political obstacles, which can hamper their ability to operate effectively.

In recent years, the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) has recognized the importance of supporting civil society organizations in developing countries to create lasting change. Through partnerships with organizations worldwide, Sida is taking action to strengthen civil society organizations and help them thrive in today’s ever-changing global landscape.

In this article, we’ll explore the urgent need to strengthen civil society organizations, the impact of Sida’s partnership approach, and some practical examples of how Sida is supporting organizations on the ground.


In today’s world, civil society organizations play an integral role in advocating for policy changes and promoting social justice. However, these organizations often face numerous challenges that prevent them from realizing their full potential. Some of these challenges include lack of funding, political barriers, and insufficient recognition.

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) recognizes the importance of supporting civil society organizations in their efforts to create long-lasting positive change. Through partnerships with organizations worldwide, Sida is taking action to strengthen these organizations and help them thrive in today’s increasingly complex global landscape. In this article, we’ll explore the urgent need to strengthen civil society organizations, the impact of Sida’s partnership approach, and some practical examples of how Sida is supporting organizations on the ground.


Civil society organizations (CSOs) are essential actors in promoting sustainable development, poverty reduction, gender equality, human rights, and environmental sustainability. These organizations often work in some of the most challenging contexts, with limited resources and political barriers. Despite their vital role, many CSOs do not receive the recognition they deserve, and their ability to operate effectively is frequently hampered by a lack of funding.

In recent years, Sida has recognized the importance of empowering civil society organizations to help address some of the world’s most pressing challenges. As a government agency in Sweden that works to reduce poverty, promote democracy, and achieve sustainable development, Sida has put in place strategies and measures to advance its mission to support CSOs worldwide.

The Need to Strengthen Civil Society Organizations

Despite the crucial role that civil society organizations play in shaping policies and promoting positive social change, the challenges they face threaten their sustainability. There is an urgent need to strengthen these organizations to promote sustainable development and social justice. Sida’s partnership approach with CSOs is one of the ways in which this can be achieved.

Sida recognizes that strengthening CSOs could contribute to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Moreover, civil society is an essential component of democratic systems and can help hold governments accountable for their actions. Strengthening these organizations could also help promote social cohesion and reduce poverty.

Sida’s Partnership Approach With Civil Society Organizations

Sida has been providing support to civil society organizations in developing countries since the 1960s. The agency’s approach to strengthening CSOs involves targeting their areas of weakness and building their capacity to operate effectively. Sida’s partnership approach is underpinned by the belief that working with and empowering these organizations is critical to promoting sustainable development, human rights, gender equality, and environmental sustainability.

Sida’s partnership approach involves working closely with civil society organizations to co-create programs and collaborative projects. The agency also provides funding to CSOs and offers technical assistance, capacity building, and networking opportunities. Sida’s goal is to enable these organizations to operate effectively and contribute to a sustainable and just world.

In addition to supporting CSOs, Sida also engages in advocacy to promote an enabling environment for these organizations to operate. This includes engaging with governments, international organizations, and other stakeholders to promote the role of civil society in development work.

Practical Examples of Sida’s Work with Civil Society Organizations

Sida’s partnership approach with civil society organizations has had a significant impact on development efforts in different parts of the world. Here are a few examples:

Example 1: Supporting Female Entrepreneurs in Ghana

Sida supports CSOs like CARE International to implement programs that promote gender equality. In Ghana, Sida and CARE International partnered to develop a three-year project that aims to empower more than 10,000 women entrepreneurs in the northern part of the country. The project provides training, financial assistance, and mentorship to female entrepreneurs, helping them grow their businesses, create jobs, and boost their economic independence.

Example 2: Promoting Youth Participation in Sri Lanka

Sida recognizes that young people are critical stakeholders in development efforts. In Sri Lanka, Sida partnered with local CSOs to develop a project aimed at promoting youth participation in governance and decision-making processes. The project trained young people in leadership, communication, and advocacy skills, enabling them to actively participate in their communities’ decision-making processes.

Example 3: Improving Educational Outcomes in Uganda

Sida recognizes that education is a crucial foundation for creating a sustainable future. In Uganda, Sida partnered with local CSOs to improve educational outcomes for children in the country’s refugee settlements. The project provided teacher training, learning materials, and educational infrastructure to improve the quality of education in these settings.


In conclusion, civil society organizations play a crucial role in promoting sustainable development, poverty reduction, gender equality, human rights, and environmental sustainability. However, these organizations often face numerous challenges, including limited funding, lack of recognition, and political barriers. Sida’s partnership approach with civil society organizations is a critical step in strengthening these organizations and enabling them to operate effectively. By providing funding, technical assistance, and capacity building, Sida is supporting CSOs to achieve their goals and contribute to a more just and sustainable world.

The call is currently open for civil society organizations conducting long-term development cooperation relevant to the objectives in the current Swedish strategy for development cooperation with civil society. The deadline for application is May 27, 2024. Apply here for this exciting opportunity – https://www.sida.se/en/for-partners/calls-and-announcements/invitation-to-civil-society-organisations-for-partnership-with-sida.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are civil society organizations?

Civil society organizations (CSOs) are non-governmental, non-profit organizations that work to promote social justice, sustainable development, human rights, and environmental sustainability.

What are some challenges facing civil society organizations?

Civil society organizations often face challenges such as lack of funding, political barriers, and insufficient recognition. These challenges threaten their sustainability and ability to operate effectively.

How does Sida support civil society organizations?

Sida supports civil society organizations through partnerships, funding, technical assistance, capacity building, and networking opportunities. Sida’s partnership approach involves co-creating programs and collaborative projects with CSOs to help build their capacity to operate effectively.

What is Sida’s goal in supporting civil society organizations?

Sida’s goal is to strengthen civil society organizations and promote sustainable development, human rights, gender equality, and environmental sustainability. Sida believes that working with and empowering CSOs is critical to achieving these goals.

Can civil society organizations apply for funding from Sida?

Yes, civil society organizations conducting long-term development cooperation relevant to the objectives in the current Swedish strategy for development cooperation with civil society can apply for funding from Sida. The current deadline for application is May 27, 2024.

What are some examples of Sida’s work with civil society organizations?

Sida’s work with civil society organizations has had a significant impact on development efforts around the world. Some examples of Sida’s work with CSOs include supporting female entrepreneurs in Ghana, promoting youth participation in governance and decision-making processes in Sri Lanka, and improving educational outcomes in Uganda for children in refugee settlements.


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