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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Urgent Appeal: Deadline Approaching for Grant Applications on Socio-economic Development for Vulnerable and Marginalised Communities

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The clock is ticking for grant applications on socio-economic development for vulnerable and marginalised communities as the deadline is fast approaching. These grants are designed to address the critical needs of communities that have been previously overlooked or ignored by mainstream society.

This is a unique opportunity for NGOs and grassroots organizations to make a lasting impact on the lives of the most vulnerable members of our society. By focusing on socio-economic development, these grants will help to provide access to basic necessities such as healthcare, education, job training, and housing.

It is imperative that we act now to ensure that these communities are not left behind. The grant application process is competitive, but with the right approach and a clear vision, organizations can make a strong case for why they are the best choice to receive funding.

If we want to truly create a society that works for everyone, we must start by investing in those who need it the most. The grants available for socio-economic development are a crucial step in the right direction.


The clock is ticking for grant applications on socio-economic development for vulnerable and marginalised communities. The grants aim to cater to the critical needs of communities that have been overlooked or ignored by mainstream society. This is a unique opportunity for NGOs and grassroots organizations to make a lasting impact on the lives of the most vulnerable members of our society. By focusing on socio-economic development, these grants will help to provide access to basic necessities such as healthcare, education, job training, and housing.

This article is an urgent appeal for grant applications that address the needs of vulnerable and marginalised communities, mainly in the north-eastern states and districts in northeast Karnataka. Azim Premji Foundation is one of the organisations working towards this cause and will provide a deeper understanding of the application process, along with the eligibility criteria and requirements for applying.

Azim Premji Foundation

The Azim Premji Foundation’s vision is to contribute towards a more just, equitable, humane, and sustainable society. The grants work is aligned with this vision and built on their core values, intending to foster vibrancy in the Civil Society ecosystem, enabling new people with new ideas who are keen on addressing socio-economic development challenges of the most vulnerable and marginalised communities.

The foundation intends to support organisations that have recently set up and work directly with vulnerable or marginalised communities in Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Jharkhand, Odisha, Uttarakhand, and districts in northeast Karnataka (Bagalakote, Ballari, Bidar, Kalaburagi, Koppala, Raichur, Vijayapura, Vijayanagar and Yadgir).


Organisations that meet the below criteria are eligible to apply:

  • Are registered as a Society / Trust / Section 8 company on or after 1 March 2019 (zero to 5 years since registration)
  • Have valid 12A
  • Have an average annual expenditure of INR 25 lakh or less
  • Have direct engagement with a vulnerable or marginalised community
  • Do NOT work directly in education or health (for example, running schools or coaching centres for children of vulnerable communities, running health centres in interior or backward areas). These are areas of work we do not support.
  • Are NOT a social enterprise
  • Are NOT existing or past partners of the Foundation or already under consideration for a grant.

Application Process

The application process requires the organisations to fill an online form through the link provided on the website. The application process is competitive and requires the organisations to submit a clear vision and approach towards the socio-economic development of vulnerable or marginalised communities.

The forms require the organisations to share the nature of their work and how it aligns with the goals of the foundation. It also needs organisations to submit their planned activities, project timelines, budget, and projected outcomes. Also, organisations need to submit a core team profile, including the designation and engagement history.

The application process closes on May 31, 2024. Thus organisations getting selected will receive the grant amount and other project-related assistance from the foundation to execute their plans.


If we want to build a society that works for everyone, we must start by investing in those who need it the most. Socio-economic development grants for vulnerable and marginalised communities are the most important step that organisations and foundations can take towards this goal.

Azim Premji Foundation and other organisations are actively working towards building an equitable and humane society with grants to support the socio-economic development of vulnerable and marginalised communities. The eligibility criteria and application process are designed to provide opportunities to small and new organisations and create a more vibrant civil society ecosystem. So, eligible organisations should take this opportunity and apply here now before the deadline ends.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the grants?

The grants aim to cater to the critical needs of communities that have been overlooked or ignored by mainstream society, especially vulnerable or marginalised communities. The grants are designed to focus on socio-economic development, providing access to basic necessities such as healthcare, education, job training, and housing.

Which organisations are eligible to apply for the grants?

Organisations that have been registered as a Society/Trust/Section 8 company on or after 1 March 2019 and have an average annual expenditure of INR 25 lakh or less, have a valid 12A and are working directly with vulnerable or marginalised communities, including those in Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Jharkhand, Odisha, Uttarakhand, and districts of northeast Karnataka, are eligible to apply. Social enterprises are not eligible.

What is the application process?

The application process requires eligible organisations to fill an online form through the link provided on the Azim Premji Foundation’s website. The form asks for information about the nature of their work, planned activities, project timelines, budget, projected outcomes, and core team profile. The process is competitive, and the deadline for submissions is May 31, 2024.

How does the foundation decide which organisations receive the grants?

The foundation evaluates each application carefully, weighing the applicant’s alignment with its goals and the clarity and feasibility of its vision and approach towards socio-economic development. Other factors considered include the impact of the proposed project and the likelihood of the organisation’s success in achieving its objectives.

Can organisations apply for grants if they work in education or health?

No, the foundation does not support organisations that work directly in education or health, such as running schools or coaching centers for children of vulnerable communities, or running health centers in interior or backward areas. The foundation intends to support organisations that work directly with vulnerable or marginalized communities and address socio-economic development challenges in Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Jharkhand, Odisha, Uttarakhand, and districts of northeast Karnataka.

What support will the selected organisations receive?

The selected organisations will receive the grant amount, project-related assistance, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation support from the foundation. They will also benefit from networking opportunities with other organisations and opportunities for capacity building and training to strengthen their work.


#socioeconomicdevelopment #grantapplications #vulnerablecommunities #marginalisedcommunities #AzimPremjiFoundation #NGOs #grassrootsorganizations #equitable #humane #sustainable

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