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Friday, July 19, 2024

Deadline Approaching: Sanitation and Hygiene Facilities Funding from REC

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The Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) has announced a funding opportunity for projects related to sanitation and hygiene facilities, promotion of healthcare facilities, skill development, women empowerment, environmental sustainability, and rural infrastructural development. The deadline for submitting proposals is just around the corner, and organizations working towards inclusive social development should not miss this opportunity.

Investing in these areas can have a significant impact on improving the standard of living in rural communities by providing basic necessities such as clean water, proper sanitation facilities, and healthcare services. It can also lead to the empowerment of women and the creation of job opportunities, which can further fuel the growth of these communities. Don’t let this funding opportunity slip away – apply now!


The Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) is inviting proposals for projects related to sanitation and hygiene facilities, promotion of healthcare facilities, skill development, women empowerment, environmental sustainability, and rural infrastructural development in order to facilitate an inclusive social development. The deadline for submitting proposals is just around the corner, and organizations working towards inclusive social development should not miss this opportunity. The grant amount varies from INR 10 Lakhs to INR 4 Crores per year, and NGOs with 12A, 80G and CSR Form-1 from across India can apply.

Investing in these areas can have a significant impact on improving the standard of living in rural communities by providing basic necessities such as clean water, proper sanitation facilities, and healthcare services. It can also lead to the empowerment of women and the creation of job opportunities, which can further fuel the growth of these communities.

At REC, the goal is to achieve a balance of economic, environmental, and social imperatives. To that end, the organization attempts to fund and support socially beneficial projects with sustainability as a guiding principle, giving priority to issues of foremost concern as in the national development agenda and to reach a wide spectrum of beneficiaries with a view to empowering economically and socially backward communities.

REC by the very nature of its business has its activities spread pan India across all the states and union territories and has its offices strategically located at all major state headquarters. Therefore, CSR activities may be taken up at any location within the country.

Don’t let this funding opportunity slip away – apply now!


NGOs with 12A, 80G and CSR Form-1 from across India can apply for this funding opportunity from REC CSR.

Check out this link for projects approved in the year 2021-2022. There is no deadline to submit proposals. They can be submitted anytime.

Grant Amount

The grant amount varies from INR 10 Lakhs to INR 4 Crores per year.

Application Process

The official website of REC CSR has all the information regarding the proposal submission process. NGOs can submit their proposals along with the necessary attachments.

Organizations are encouraged to showcase how their projects can have a long term impact and how they can be scaled up in the future.

Contact Information

The official website of REC has all the contact information that NGOs may require. Prospective applicants can get in touch with REC CSR to understand better how their projects can align with the organization’s objectives.


The funding opportunity provided by REC CSR is a fantastic opportunity for NGOs working towards inclusive social development. The various areas that REC is looking to fund- sanitation and hygiene facilities, promotion of healthcare facilities, skill development, women empowerment, environmental sustainability, and rural infrastructural development- are crucial to improve the standard of living of people living in rural India. With the convenience of no deadline, NGOs should avail this opportunity and make a significant impact on society.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is eligible to apply for funding from REC CSR?

NGOs with 12A, 80G and CSR Form-1 from across India can apply for funding from REC CSR.

2. What are the areas that REC CSR is looking to fund?

REC CSR is looking to fund projects related to sanitation and hygiene facilities, promotion of healthcare facilities, skill development, women empowerment, environmental sustainability, and rural infrastructural development.

3. What is the grant amount that NGOs can receive from REC CSR?

The grant amount varies from INR 10 Lakhs to INR 4 Crores per year.

4. Is there a deadline to submit proposals?

There is no deadline to submit proposals. They can be submitted anytime.

5. What kind of projects does REC CSR prioritize?

REC CSR prioritizes socially beneficial projects that have sustainability as a guiding principle and give priority to issues of foremost concern as in the national development agenda to empower economically and socially backward communities.

6. Where can NGOs get in touch for more information on the proposal submission process?

NGOs can visit the official website of REC CSR or get in touch with the organization’s contact information to understand better how their projects can align with the organization’s objectives.


#RECcsr, #fundingopportunity, #NGO, #socialdevelopment, #sustainability, #ruralindia, #sanitation, #healthcare, #womenempowerment, #infrastructure

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