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Rural Initiatives – SVP Mumbai Chapter Seeks Maharashtra NPOs for Partnership by 24th Jan

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The Social Venture Partners (SVP) Mumbai chapter is currently soliciting non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Maharashtra for partnership opportunities related to rural initiatives, women empowerment, and community development. The deadline for submitting partnership proposals is 24th January, requiring interested parties to act fast to take advantage of this unique opportunity. As a successful venture philanthropy organization, the SVP Mumbai chapter is a leader in driving social change by combining financial assistance with expertise and guidance. By partnering with the SVP Mumbai chapter, NPOs have the potential to make a lasting impact on their communities and create innovative solutions to some of society’s most pressing challenges.

“Joining forces with the SVP Mumbai chapter allows NPOs to achieve sustainable growth while promoting social welfare. This partnership opportunity is a gateway to unlocking the potential of rural communities, empowering women, and making progress in the field of community development.”


The Social Venture Partners (SVP) Mumbai chapter is calling for partnership proposals from non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Maharashtra. The goal is to establish collaboration opportunities related to rural initiatives, community development, and women empowerment. The deadline for submitting proposals is the 24th of January, urging parties interested in the opportunity to spring to action. As one of the successful venture philanthropy organizations, the SVP Mumbai chapter has been a pacesetter in driving social change, combining financial assistance with expertise and guidance for sustainable growth and long-lasting social impact.

“Joining forces with the SVP Mumbai chapter allows NPOs to achieve sustainable growth while promoting social welfare. This partnership opportunity is a gateway to unlocking the potential of rural communities, empowering women, and making progress in the field of community development.”

The Opportunity for Maharashtra-based NPOs

The SVP Mumbai chapter has called on NPOs working in underserved areas, such as rural initiatives, gender advocacy, community development, women empowerment, migration, healthcare, disability, and human trafficking based in Maharashtra. These NPOs have a unique chance to partner with the SVP Mumbai chapter to create a more significant and long-lasting impact on their communities. This opportunity will enable them to grow sustainably, seek innovation, and overcome the most pressing challenges in their communities.

However, to qualify for the SVP Mumbai partnership opportunity, an organization must satisfy the following eligibility criteria:

  • Early Stage NGOs (at least 2 years of operations)
  • FY 2025 annual budget should be less than 3 crores
  • All compliance documents in place
  • Leadership team should be based in Mumbai or outskirts within 100kms of Mumbai city limits
  • Leadership looking for capacity building support for organizational development and mentorship

Benefits of the Partnership

Partnering with the SVP Mumbai chapter has several benefits for NPOs working in rural initiatives, community development, and women empowerment. Some of these benefits include:

  • The opportunity to access funding to pursue their social impact initiatives
  • Catalyzing long-term growth to realize sustainable change
  • Access to expertise, guidance, mentorship, and network support to overcome organizational challenges
  • Building organizational capacity to become more efficient, effective, and impactful
  • The chance to develop innovative solutions to social issues
  • A platform to collaborate with like-minded organizations and scale up their impact

Application Process

The application process for the partnership opportunity is straightforward. NPOs interested in the opportunity must submit their proposals before the 24th of January to SVP Mumbai. The deadline means that NPOs must move fast if they want to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The grant amount is not specified, but it offers a unique chance for NPOs to access various benefits provided by the SVP Mumbai chapter, including capacity building, mentorship, network support, and innovative solutions.

For more information about how to apply, interested applicants can visit the SVP Mumbai chapter’s LinkedIn page, where they can find the partnership opportunity post.

Apply here!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Social Venture Partners (SVP) Mumbai?

A: Social Venture Partners (SVP) Mumbai is a venture philanthropy organization that combines financial assistance with expertise and guidance for sustainable growth and long-lasting social impact.

Q: What is the purpose of the partnership proposal from SVP Mumbai?

A: The goal is to establish collaboration opportunities related to rural initiatives, community development, and women empowerment in Maharashtra.

Q: What type of non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Maharashtra is SVP Mumbai looking for?

A: SVP Mumbai is looking for NPOs working in underserved areas, such as rural initiatives, gender advocacy, community development, women empowerment, migration, healthcare, disability, and human trafficking.

Q: What is the eligibility criteria for NPOs to qualify for the partnership opportunity?

A: The eligibility criteria for NPOs include early-stage NGOs (at least 2 years of operations), FY 2025 annual budget should be less than 3 crores, all compliance documents in place, leadership team should be based in Mumbai or outskirts within 100kms of Mumbai city limits, and leadership looking for capacity building support for organizational development and mentorship.

Q: What are the benefits of partnering with SVP Mumbai?

A: Some of the benefits include the opportunity to access funding to pursue social impact initiatives, building organizational capacity to become more efficient, effective, and impactful, and access to expertise, guidance, mentorship, and network support to overcome organizational challenges.

Q: What is the deadline for submitting proposals?

A: The deadline for submitting proposals is the 24th of January.


#SVP Mumbai, #VenturePhilanthropy, #NonProfitOrganizations, #SocialImpact, #RuralInitiatives, #CommunityDevelopment, #WomenEmpowerment, #CapacityBuilding, #Mentorship, #OrganizationalGrowth.

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