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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Prevent and Eliminate Child Labour in India: Act Now, Deadline Approaching

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Child labor has always been a dark reality in India. Despite efforts to counter it, the problem looms large over the entire nation. The Indian government has embarked on a mission to eliminate child labor by the year 2025. However, with the deadline rapidly approaching, it becomes increasingly important to focus on prevention as well. The only way to truly eradicate this evil practice is to educate people about its consequences and encourage them to take action.

It is our moral responsibility to take action and prevent future generations of children from being forced into labor. By doing our part, we can create a brighter future for India and protect the innocence of its children.


Child labor has always been a dark reality in India. Despite efforts to counter it, the problem looms large over the entire nation. The Indian government has embarked on a mission to eliminate child labor by the year 2025. However, with the deadline rapidly approaching, it becomes increasingly important to focus on prevention as well. The only way to truly eradicate this evil practice is to educate people about its consequences and encourage them to take action.

It is our moral responsibility to take action and prevent future generations of children from being forced into labor. By doing our part, we can create a brighter future for India and protect the innocence of its children.

Prevent and Eliminate Child Labour in India

The Need for Urgent Action

The prevalence of child labor in India is alarming. According to a recent report by the International Labour Organization (ILO), there are approximately 10 million child laborers in India. These children are often forced to work long hours in dangerous and exploitative conditions, depriving them of their childhood and their right to education and a better future.

The Indian government has taken steps to address this issue by passing laws against child labor and launching initiatives to rescue and rehabilitate child laborers. However, these efforts have been hampered by a lack of awareness and inadequate implementation.

As the deadline for the elimination of child labor in India approaches, it is imperative that urgent action is taken to prevent it. This requires a multi-pronged approach that includes education, awareness-raising, enforcement of laws, and promotion of responsible business practices.

The Role of Education and Awareness-Raising

One of the most effective ways to prevent child labor is through education and awareness-raising. This involves informing people about the consequences of child labor and the importance of protecting children from exploitation.

Education and awareness-raising can be targeted at different audiences, including parents, employers, and the broader community. For example, parents can be educated about the benefits of education and the dangers of sending their children to work. Employers can be made aware of the legal and ethical implications of employing child laborers, and the broader community can be encouraged to report instances of child labor and support measures to prevent it.

The Importance of Enforcing Laws and Promoting Responsible Business Practices

Enforcement of laws against child labor is another important aspect of prevention. This requires adequate resources and commitment from law enforcement agencies to detect and prosecute instances of child labor. It also involves promoting responsible business practices that do not rely on child labor.

Businesses can play a key role in preventing child labor by implementing policies and practices that ensure their supply chains are free from exploitation. This includes measures such as conducting due diligence to identify and address child labor risks in their supply chains, engaging with suppliers to improve labor standards, and supporting initiatives to prevent child labor.

European Commission Call for Proposals

The European Commission is currently accepting proposals from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to prevent and eliminate child labor and forced labor in India. The global objective of this call for proposals is to combat forced labor, child labor, and unacceptable forms of work in all segments of the supply chain, in particular in the lower tiers, and to promote government and corporate accountability on business and human rights.

The current Call for Proposals for India targets the following action: Prevent and eliminate child labor and forced labor in India, including through responsible business practices in European supply chains.

Eligibility and Grant Details

The call for proposals is open to non-Indian NGOs with two Indian FCRA-registered co-applicants, Indian NGOs with FCRA registration, and Indian NGOs with FCRA-registered partners. However, Indian leads must not directly transfer EU funds to co-applicants, adhering to FCRA regulations.

The minimum grant amount available is EUR 750,000.00 and the maximum grant amount available is EUR 1,335,000.00.

Deadline and Application Details

The deadline for submission of applications is May 10, 2024. Interested applicants can find more information and apply online at the European Commission’s website.


The elimination of child labor in India requires urgent and sustained action. This involves education and awareness-raising, enforcement of laws, and promotion of responsible business practices. The European Commission’s call for proposals provides an opportunity for NGOs to contribute to this important cause and make a real difference in the lives of millions of children in India.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the current status of child labor in India?

As per the report by the International Labour Organization (ILO), there are around 10 million child laborers in India.

2. What efforts have been made by the Indian government to address the issue of child labor?

The Indian Government has passed laws against child labor and launched initiatives to rescue and rehabilitate child laborers.

3. What is the role of education and awareness-raising in preventing child labor in India?

Education and awareness-raising can play a vital role in preventing child labor by informing people about the consequences of child labor and the importance of protecting children from exploitation.

4. How can businesses promote responsible practices to eliminate child labor in India?

Businesses can promote responsible practices by implementing policies that ensure their supply chains are free from exploitation, conducting due diligence to identify and address child labor risks, and supporting initiatives to prevent child labor.

The European Commission is accepting proposals from NGOs to prevent and eliminate child labor and forced labor in India.

6. What is the deadline for submission of proposals for the European Commission’s call for proposals?

The deadline for submission of proposals for the European Commission’s call for proposals is May 10, 2024.


#childlaborindia, #eliminatingchildlabor, #responsiblebusinesspractices, #NGOIndia, #EuropeanCommission, #childrights, #educationforchildren, #enforcechildlaborlaws, #childlaborawareness, #preventchildexploitation

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