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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Measuring the True Impact: The Importance of Social Returns on Investment

AIforNGOs | AI writer for NGOs | Join For Free - Then Change your plan as per your needs

When we talk about returns on investment (ROI), we often think in terms of financial gains – how much money did we make on a particular investment. But there is another important aspect of ROI that is sometimes overlooked, especially in the world of business and finance – social returns on investment (SROI).

What is SROI?

Social Return on Investment (SROI) is a framework for measuring the social, environmental, and economic value created by an organization. It goes beyond traditional financial metrics to include the impact of an organization’s activities on society and the environment. By measuring SROI, organizations can better understand the full extent of their impact and make more informed decisions about their investments.

Why is SROI important?

Measuring SROI is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it allows organizations to understand the true impact of their activities. By taking into account social and environmental factors, SROI provides a more holistic view of an organization’s performance. This can help organizations identify areas for improvement and make strategic decisions that benefit both the company and society at large.

Furthermore, measuring SROI can help organizations communicate their impact to stakeholders, including investors, customers, and employees. In an increasingly socially-conscious world, investors and consumers are looking for companies that not only make a profit but also have a positive impact on society. By measuring SROI, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility and sustainability.

Finally, measuring SROI can help organizations prioritize their investments. By understanding the social and environmental value created by different activities, organizations can allocate resources more effectively and maximize their impact.

How is SROI measured?

Measuring SROI involves a detailed analysis of an organization’s activities and their impact on society and the environment. This analysis typically includes collecting data on inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impacts, and assigning a monetary value to these different elements. The resulting SROI ratio shows the social and environmental value created for every dollar invested.

There are a number of tools and methodologies available for measuring SROI, including the Social Value International framework and the Impact Reporting and Investment Standards (IRIS). Organizations can also work with consultants and experts in social impact measurement to develop a customized approach that fits their specific needs and goals.


Measuring the social return on investment is crucial for organizations that want to understand the full impact of their activities on society and the environment. By taking into account social and environmental factors, organizations can make more informed decisions, communicate their impact to stakeholders, and prioritize their investments effectively. In an increasingly socially-conscious world, SROI provides a valuable tool for organizations to demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility and sustainability.


Q: How can organizations get started with measuring SROI?

A: Organizations can start by identifying their key stakeholders and understanding their social and environmental impact. They can then begin collecting data on inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impacts, and working with experts to develop a customized approach to measuring SROI.

Q: What are the benefits of measuring SROI?

A: Measuring SROI can help organizations understand their impact, communicate their social responsibility, and prioritize their investments effectively. It can also attract socially-conscious investors and consumers who are looking for companies that create value beyond profit.

Q: How often should organizations measure SROI?

A: Organizations can measure SROI on a regular basis, such as annually or biannually, to track their progress over time and make adjustments to their activities and investments as needed.

AIforNGOs | AI writer for NGOs | Join For Free - Then Change your plan as per your needs

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