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India – Cyclone Michaung: Update from DG ECHO Partners, India Ministry of Home Affairs, and Media (ECHO Daily Flash, 8 December 2023)

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Cyclone Michaung Causes Devastation in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh

Cyclone Michaung has caused widespread devastation in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh states in India. The cyclone was followed by heavy to very heavy rainfall, leading to flooding in many districts and cities. The impact has been severe, with a significant loss of life and damage to property.

Impact on Population

As a result of the cyclone and heavy rainfall, 20 deaths were reported in Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu, and five in Andhra Pradesh. Around 4 million people in Andhra Pradesh and 390,000 in Tamil Nadu have been affected. Hundreds of houses have been damaged, including in a camp hosting Sri Lankan refugees in Tamil Nadu.

Relief Efforts

The government and civil society organizations have initiated relief efforts to assist the affected population. A total of 41,459 people have taken shelter in 373 relief camps in Tamil Nadu, while 10,717 people have sought refuge in 125 relief camps in Andhra Pradesh. However, some areas remain inaccessible, making it difficult for people to receive much-needed assistance.

Joint Needs Assessments

Sphere India and civil society partners are conducting joint needs assessments in both states to understand the extent of the damage and the specific requirements of the affected population. These assessments will help in coordinating and prioritizing relief efforts to address the immediate needs of the impacted communities.


The aftermath of Cyclone Michaung and the subsequent heavy rainfall has left a trail of destruction in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. As relief efforts continue, it is crucial for the government and humanitarian organizations to work together to ensure that the affected population receives the necessary support to recover from this disaster.


1. What was the impact of Cyclone Michaung on the population in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh?

The cyclone and heavy rainfall resulted in 20 deaths in Chennai and five in Andhra Pradesh, with millions of people affected and hundreds of houses damaged, including refugee camps.

2. How many relief camps are operational in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh?

There are 373 relief camps in Tamil Nadu accommodating 41,459 people and 125 relief camps in Andhra Pradesh with 10,717 individuals seeking refuge.

3. Who is conducting joint needs assessments in the affected states?

Sphere India and civil society partners are conducting joint needs assessments to understand the extent of the damage and the specific requirements of the affected population.


The devastation caused by Cyclone Michaung in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh has led to significant humanitarian challenges. The joint efforts of the government, civil society organizations, and humanitarian agencies are crucial in addressing the immediate needs of the affected communities and providing vital support for recovery.

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