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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Environment & Sustainability: Urgent Appeal for Mangrove Restoration Fund

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The environment is a vital aspect of human existence, and with the increasing pressures from climate change, pollution, and deforestation, sustainability has become essential in protecting our planet’s natural resources. One resource that requires urgent attention is the world’s mangroves, which have seen a significant reduction in recent years due to human activities such as land use change and overfishing. Mangroves play an essential role in the environment, not only as a habitat for a diverse range of species, but as a first line of defense against natural disasters such as hurricanes and tsunamis, and as a crucial carbon sink to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. In light of this urgent need for mangrove restoration, a call is being made for a dedicated fund to support these restoration efforts.

Protecting and restoring our natural resources is crucial for our future generations and requires immediate attention. Let us come together to support mangrove restoration efforts and ensure a sustainable and habitable planet for all.


The Environment & Sustainability are the two most crucial aspects of human life that govern the survival of our planet. Our planet is facing numerous challenges such as climate change, pollution, and rampant deforestation. It has become essential to embrace sustainability to protect the natural resources of our planet. Mangroves are an essential part of our planet’s ecosystem and require urgent attention due to recent human activities such as overfishing, land use change, and pollution. Mangroves provide an essential habitat for a diverse species of flora and fauna and act as a first line of defense against natural disasters and as a crucial carbon sink to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. The need for mangrove restoration has become so urgent that the SBI Foundation has made an appeal for a dedicated fund to support the restoration efforts.

Protecting and restoring our natural resources is vital to ensure a sustainable future for our planet. The urgency to restore mangroves requires immediate attention and support.

The role of Mangroves in the environment

Despite covering only 0.1% of the world’s total forest area, mangroves play a crucial role in the environment. They act as a habitat for a diverse range of species that rely on their ecosystem. The roots of mangroves provide protection to various marine creatures that dwell in them, including fishes, shellfish, birds, and reptiles. Mangroves act as a purifier that removes pollutants and heavy metals from the water, helping to keep the oceans clean and marine life healthy.

The role of mangroves extends beyond just being an essential habitat for marine creatures. Mangroves help to protect human settlements by acting as a first line of defense against natural disasters such as tsunamis and hurricanes. The root system of mangroves holds the soil in place and reduces erosion, thereby protecting coastlines. Lastly, mangroves play a crucial role in climate change mitigation by serving as a carbon sink. A hectare of mangroves can sequester up to 1,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide over a 20-year period.

Why are mangroves declining?

The world has lost around 35% of its mangroves in the past few decades, and the number is still increasing year by year. The decline of mangroves is attributed to numerous reasons, including the destruction of their habitat, coastal development, land use change, and overfishing. Human activities such as deforestation, agriculture, and aquaculture have damaged the natural growth of mangroves. Due to the increasing demand for land and water, the forests have been cleared to free up space for new residential or commercial developments.

An Urgent Appeal for Mangrove Restoration Fund

The decline of the mangrove ecosystem requires immediate attention and restoration. The SBI Foundation recognizes the importance of mangrove restoration and has made an urgent appeal for a dedicated fund to support this cause. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to invite potential grantees with proven experience in implementing CSR projects towards mangrove restoration for a period of 2-3 years starting from FY 2024-25.


  • The NGOs applying in the RFP should have a minimum of 5 years of experience in implementing CSR projects in the thematic area of Mangrove Restoration.
  • The applying NGOs should have planted more than 5 lakh mangroves in the coastal regions so far.
  • The NGOs should have maintained a mortality rate of 65% or above in past projects.
  • The NGOs should have a dedicated team for Mangrove Restoration projects comprising environmentalists, botanists, biologists, etc.

Grant Amount

The budget for a proposal should be in the range of Rs.1.00 Rs. 4.50 Cr. for a support period ranging from 2 to 3 years.


The last date to submit the proposal for the RFP-ConSerW mangrove Restoration is May 25th, 2024.


To apply for this RFP, visit the SBI Foundation LinkedIn page here and follow the instructions.


Mangroves are an essential part of our planet’s ecosystem and require immediate attention to restore their natural state. Mangroves provide habitat for marine life, protect human settlements and coastlines, and help mitigate climate change. The SBI Foundation’s call for a dedicated fund to support the restoration efforts highlights the urgency of the situation. With the help of NGOs and organizations working towards the restoration of mangroves, we can protect our planet’s natural resource for future generations.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are mangroves, and why are they important for the environment?

Mangroves are a type of tropical tree that grow in saltwater habitats, such as along coastlines and river estuaries. They provide a unique ecosystem that is home to a diverse range of marine life, act as a natural buffer against storms and erosion, and absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide, which helps to mitigate climate change.

2. What are the main factors that contribute to the decline in mangrove forests?

The main factors behind the decline in mangrove forests include deforestation, coastal development, pollution, climate change, and overfishing. These activities have led to the degradation and destruction of mangrove ecosystems, threatening the survival of the various species that depend on this habitat.

3. How can mangroves be restored, and what role can NGOs play?

Mangrove restoration involves planting new trees and taking steps to protect and maintain existing mangrove ecosystems. NGOs can play a crucial role in restoring mangroves by providing expertise, funding, and resources to support restoration efforts, such as planting and monitoring new trees, raising awareness, and advocating for stronger protection measures.

4. What is the SBI Foundation’s appeal for a dedicated fund to support mangrove restoration?

The SBI Foundation has recognized the urgency of restoring mangroves and has made an appeal for a dedicated fund to support this cause. The foundation is inviting NGOs with proven experience in implementing CSR projects to submit proposals for a support period of 2-3 years starting from FY 2024-25 to restore mangrove ecosystems in coastal regions.

5. How can individuals contribute to the restoration of mangrove forests?

Individuals can contribute to the restoration of mangrove forests by supporting NGOs working towards this cause by volunteering, donating, or raising awareness. Additionally, individuals can adopt more sustainable habits, such as reducing their carbon footprint and avoiding products that contribute to deforestation and habitat destruction.

6. What are some of the long-term benefits of restoring mangrove ecosystems?

Restoring mangrove ecosystems can have a range of long-term benefits, including the protection of marine and coastal biodiversity, improved water quality, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and increased climate resilience for communities that depend on these ecosystems. Additionally, mangrove restoration can provide economic benefits, such as through ecotourism and fisheries.


#MangroveRestoration, #Sustainability, #EnvironmentalProtection, #ClimateChangeMitigation, #NGOsupport, #CoastalDevelopment, #BiodiversityConservation, #CarbonSequestration, #MarineProtectedAreas, #EcoTourism

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