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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Change-makers Wanted: Nominations Open for 2024 Right Livelihood Award! Act Now

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Are you an advocate for change and social impact? Do you know of someone who has made significant contributions to creating a better future for us all? Then it’s time to act now! Nominations for the 2024 Right Livelihood Award, also known as the Alternative Nobel Prize, are now open for individuals or organizations that have made a notable impact in the areas of environment, peace, health, human rights, and social justice.

This prestigious award recognizes the outstanding achievements of individuals who have dedicated their lives to effect change and create sustainable livelihoods for marginalized communities. Past recipients of the award include Greta Thunberg, Leymah Gbowee, and Naomi Klein, to name a few.

Join the global movement of change-makers and nominate someone today. Let’s celebrate those who have made a significant impact on the livelihoods of individuals and communities around the world!

Change-makers Wanted: Nominations Open for 2024 Right Livelihood Award! Act Now

If you are looking for an opportunity to acknowledge the work of change-makers that strive to create a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world, then it is time to act now! You can nominate individuals or organizations for the 2024 Right Livelihood Award, also known as the Alternative Nobel Prize. This prestigious award honors outstanding achievements of individuals who dedicate their lives to effect change and create sustainable livelihoods for marginalized communities.

What is the Right Livelihood Award?

The Right Livelihood Award is given annually by the Right Livelihood Award Foundation, which was established in 1980 by Swedish-German philanthropist Jakob von Uexkull. The award was created to honor and support those “offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today.” Often referred to as the Alternative Nobel Prize, the award recognizes the achievements of individuals or organizations in the areas of environment, peace, health, human rights, and social justice, who have been overlooked by the Nobel Prize.

“Do you know any courageous and innovative change-makers who strive to create a more just, peaceful and sustainable world for those around them? Each year since 1980, the Right Livelihood Award has been bestowed to four courageous change-makers. The Awards are typically given in the form of three cash awards and one honorary award. The cash awards are intended to directly support the Laureates’ cause and expand the impact of their work. The honorary prize is intended to recognise equally outstanding achievements – although, where the benefit is seen through the recognition and support provided as a result of the Award.”

Eligibility Criteria

The Right Livelihood Award honors individuals or organizations proposing solutions to global challenges from across the world. It is open to any person or group of any nationality whose work contributes significantly to preserving and protecting human rights and dignity, advancing non-violent conflict resolution, alleviating poverty and injustice, promoting environmental sustainability, or improving health through the development and application of sustainable systems and practices.

Grant Amount and Categories

Typically, three cash awards and one honorary award are given each year. The cash awards support ongoing work and seek to expand the impact of the recipient’s work. The honorary award is given to provide recognition and support. The foundation seeks for each of the award categories.

  • The Right Livelihood Award (SEK 3 million or €310,000)
  • The Right Livelihood Award Honorary (no monetary award)

Nomination Process

Nominations for the 2024 Right Livelihood Awards will remain open till March 1, 2024. Candidates may be proposed by anyone except for self-nomination. Employees or board members of the Right Livelihood Award Foundation and members of the Jury are excluded from making nominations. To nominate, fill out the online nomination form available on the Right Livelihood Award Foundation website.

All valid nominations will be considered by the foundation’s international Jury. The Jury decides the final laureates, which remain confidential until the public announcement at the end of September.

Past Right Livelihood Award Winners

The Right Livelihood Award has honored some of the most innovative and courageous people over the past four decades. The list includes environmental activists, human rights champions, health advocates, and many more.

  • Greta Thunberg, who helped ignite a global youth-led movement demanding action on the climate crisis.
  • Leymah Gbowee, who led a non-violent women’s peace movement in Liberia, which helped end the country’s civil war.
  • Naomi Klein, an author, and social activist known for her work on climate justice and corporate globalization.


The Right Livelihood Award Foundation honors people and organizations who strive to create a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world. If you know any change-makers that deserve recognition for their work, then nominate them for the 2024 Right Livelihood Award. By nominating someone, you can acknowledge their work and help expand the impact of their efforts. Join the global movement of change-makers and nominate someone today.

Apply here to nominate someone for the 2024 Right Livelihood Award.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can anyone nominate an individual or an organization for the Right Livelihood Award?

Yes, anyone except for self-nominations can nominate a person or an organization for the Right Livelihood Award.

2. What are the categories for the Right Livelihood Award?

The categories for the Right Livelihood Award are environment, peace, health, human rights, and social justice.

3. What is the grant amount for the Right Livelihood Award?

The grant amount for the Right Livelihood Award is SEK 3 million or €310,000.

4. Who decides the final laureates for the Right Livelihood Award?

The foundation’s international Jury decides the final laureates for the Right Livelihood Award.

5. What is the nomination deadline for the 2024 Right Livelihood Award?

The nomination deadline for the 2024 Right Livelihood Award is March 1, 2024.

6. What is the Right Livelihood Award Foundation?

The Right Livelihood Award Foundation is a foundation established in 1980 by Swedish-German philanthropist Jakob von Uexkull that honors and supports individuals or organizations offering exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing the world today.


#RightLivelihoodAward #AlternativeNobelPrize #ChangeMakers #GlobalChallenges #EnvironmentalSustainability #SocialJustice #HumanRights #Peace #Health #NominateNow

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